Dates, times, locations, and so forth are subject to change. See your County Fair and 4-H Newsletters, club-provided information, and emails for updated information.

In addition to being in the project by March 3, 2025, 4-H and FFA members participating in the Livestock Shows must meet the additional requirements. Scroll down for the complete listings:

Livestock Show Eligibility Requirements (including market, breeding, and dairy projects)
See the 4-H Calendar for details of dates, locations, and times.
See the Pueblo County Fair Rules for details.
All Market animals must be weighed-in and/or tagged-in at the appropriate time.
All members must successfully pass a written test.
All members must successfully complete the appropriate Colorado 4-H MQA course
Livestock Members who plan to participate in the Showcase Sale must attend the Mandatory May meeting.

March 3 – Project Add/Drop Deadline
March 8 – Beef tag-in (market)
March 14 – Hands-on MQA (all)
March 27 
– Classroom make-up MQA (all)
April 1 – Rabbits Ownership Date (Does) (market)
May 1 – Sheep, Goat, Swine tag-in (market)
May 8
 – Mandatory Showcase Sale meeting (market) and Livestock Test (all) [study guides will be posted when available]
May 13 through May 27 – Poultry Ownership Date (market)
June 2 – County Fair Entry Deadline (market animals enter at tag-in, all others must use FairEntry)
June 6 – Second/make-up Livestock Test (all) [study guides will be posted when available]
June 26 – Initial Weigh-in Rabbit (market)

Please download and read this document: Detailed Livestock Pre-Fair Info Sheet (to be updated) for specific information about all of the pre-fair livestock requirements